Linux – lubuntu – change default window manager (awesome wm)


I'm using Lubuntu 14.10 and trying to change the default window manager to awesome.

I installed awesome with:

sudo apt-get install awesome

Per the awesome wiki, I tried editing the ~/.xinitrc file to have the contents:

exec awesome

But after logging out (and rebooting) this isn't working.

Isn't there an rc file somewhere that I can edit?

My current need is for the awesome wm, but I was hoping there was a general way of doing this for any window manager.

Best Answer

if You log out, after entering your login-name to log in again, you can chose the wm to use (probably right above your name, not sure because I do not use Lubuntu, but it is there somewhere). If you chose a wm that is not the default, you will get a notification asking you if you want to set it as your default and next time if you boot up your system you will have awesome.

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