Linux – Launch GUI Application in WSL without XServer

Ubuntuwindowswindows 10windows-10-v1703windows-subsystem-for-linux

I have installed windows 10 (b.1703) creators update recently and I am using ubuntu subsystem(WSL).There I have installed Visual Studio Code successfully. Problem is that any GUI elements required application cannot be launched(no GUI will be elements displayed reason may be WSL has no direct Graphic driver support).

VSCOE Launch

gEdit Launch

I wanted to know How to provide graphic driver support to WSL in order to facilitate GUI applications? without installing 3rd party software such as XMing-Xserver, putty etc.

Else do we have any other mechanism to achieve it? Only modifying Ubuntu(Linux subsystem) side? Other than switching to Windows 10 Insider preview builds?

Best Answer

Nowadays, the best option is to use a GUI in WSL is to install X Window software and connect to the Linux in WSL.

Note that the linux kernel in the WSL is not the same kernel you use in a bare-metal installation. The NVIDIA drivers do not work in WSL. If you are using Chrome or some window manager, you must configure them to run without using GPUs or Graphical acceleration.

Recently, some developers created LoWe - Linux on Windows extender. It is able to display the WSL UI without a third party X Window. It exports a Linux framebuffer and displays the UI in a Window. However, even using this option you cannot use the GPU neither.

  • Lowe is an experimental implementation and it is not recommended for production.
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