Linux – is there an ‘upwards’ find


I found I asked this question on the wrong stackexchange site.

To find files starting from a certain path, I can use find <path> .... If I want to find 'upwards', i.e. in the parent directory, and it's parent, and…, is there an equivalent tool?

The use case is knowing the right number of dots (../../x.txt or ../../../x.txt?) to use in e.g. a makefile including some common makefile functions somewhere upstream.

Intended usage for a folder structure like this:


$ cd /abc/dce/efg/ghi
$ touch ../../x.txt
$ upfind . -name X*
$ upfind . -name Y* || echo "not found"
not found
$ touch /abc/dce/efg2/x.txt
$ upfind . -name Y* || echo "not found"
not found

So in short:

  • it should search on this folder, it's parent, it's parent's parent…
  • but not in any of their siblings (like 'find' would)
  • it should report the found file(s) relative to the current path

Best Answer

You can use this simple script. It walks the directory tree upwards and seraches for the specified files.

while [[ $PWD != / ]] ; do
    find "$PWD"/ -maxdepth 1 "$@"
    cd ..


upfind -name 'x*'
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