Linux – Is it a requirement to concatenate multiple 7zip files in Linux before being able to uncompress them


I generally use 7zip when on Windows and uncompressing multiple 7zip files. I have come across several articles noting that I need to concatenate multiple 7zip files to a single zip archive if I wish to uncompress in Linux.

  1. Is this necessary?
  2. Can I not specify simply the first of the multiple 7zip files?

The reason I ask is it appears that when running the command 7zr e {name_of_first_archive} it only uncompresses the first archive.

Best Answer

You can extract/decompress 7z split archives, no need to concatenate the parts prior to extraction. The only requirement is that your archives must have incremental extensions of the type .NNN (where N=[0..9]) starting from .001. This is probably because when you create a split archive using 7z, it will name each part of the archive this way. Then, all you have to do is run the command on the first archive:

[me home]$ ls
diveintopython3.pdf.7z.001  diveintopython3.pdf.7z.002  diveintopython3.pdf.7z.003

[me home]$ 7zr x diveintopython3.pdf.7z.001

7-Zip (A) [64] 9.20  Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov  2010-11-18 p7zip Version 9.20 (locale=en_US.UTF-8,Utf16=on,HugeFiles=on,8 CPUs)

Processing archive: diveintopython3.pdf.7z.001

Extracting  diveintopython3.pdf

Everything is Ok

Size:       2598283 Compressed: 734003
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