Linux – Installed Kali linux in VMware, Wireless adapter not detected


Hi all, I have been trying since long time to establish wireless connection in kali guest OS on Windows 10 host.
I have purchased TP-LINK TLWN722N version 2 RealTeck chipset,
As i have been suggested to use this for kali. which is plug and play.
Have a look at VM settings below attached with the command outputs for ifconfig, iwconfig, lsusb

Please let me know the solution. Had been reasearching online quite 2-3 days

Best Answer

There are two possibilities:

  1. Wireless card not connected with Virtual Machine

    If this is the case then you can fix issue by connecting wireless card to virtual machine.

    Go to VM > Removable devices > (wireless card name/number) > Connect (Disconnect from Host)

  2. Compatible driver not found (very less chance for your case but maybe)

    In this case, Download Driver from TP-Link website and install it.

Driver Installation Guide:

  1. Unzip drivers zip file in home folder
  2. Open Terminal and run these commands:

    cd ZippedFolderName
    sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential linux-headers-generic linux-headers-$(uname -r) 
    sudo make install
    modprobe rtl8188e

TIP: Try following commands in terminal:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
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