Linux – How to upload multiple files to FTP from Linux server


I have for example database backups on my Linux server, and I would like to write a script to upload it to remote FTP. I tried the put command, but it can only transfer one file at a time. Then I tried the mput command, but it just shows me question marks for files I want to transfer (maybe I'm using it wrongly?..)

I tried this:

ftp -n <<EOF
user name password
cd backup
mput /backup/*

But it won't work. It outputs names of files I want to transfer with question marks at the end of names. Am I missing something or maybe there is better simpler way?

Best Answer

Take a look at ncftp, it comes with an utility (ncftpput) that can be scripted for this purpose:

$ ncftpput -R /remote/path /backup

The -R flag means recursive mode. You can have your authentication details in a separated file. See the manpage (ncftpput(1)) for details.

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