Linux – How to switch between command-line and GUI in VM on a Mac

command linelinuxmacmacosterminal

I have installed CentOS 7.1 in VMware Fusion of my Mac. I logged into the terminal (default runlevel 3) and started the GUI using the command "startx". I want to switch back to the terminal.
Ctrl+Alt+F1 is not working and Ctrl+Alt+Spacebar and F1 also doesn't work.
What is the correct combination to switch between GUI and terminal in the VM on my Mac?

Best Answer

When using VirtualBox on OSX you can use CTRL + ALT + FN + F3 to start the command line in a Linux VM (e.g. Arch Linux).

Switching back to GUI with: CTRL + ALT + FN + F2/F1

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