Linux – How to stop all child processes spawned by a service


I have a service running on Ubuntu with the following configuration:


start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE=eth1)


exec python -u /opt/XYZ/ 2>&1 \
                 | logger -t

On stopping the service with sudo service my_service stop, the python process is not killed. Killing the parent process with kill also does not kill the python process.

How do I completely stop the service (i.e all child processes killed)?
Ideally, I would like to not modify the configuration file above.

Best Answer

Ideally, I would like to not modify the configuration file above.

Tough! It's the right thing to do.

You need to change your exec into script, and stop running that python program in a forked subprocess as part of a pipeline. This ServerFault answer explains how to do this in an embedded shell script. I'd make just one change to the script given there, in the last line:

exec python -u /opt/XYZ/ 2>&1

There's no really good reason not to log standard error too, after all.

Ever more complex gyrations to cope with forking, from expect daemon to switching to systemd, miss the point that the right thing to do is to stop the daemon from forking. If there's one good thing to come out of the current kerfuffle, it's the continued confirmation that what IBM wrote and recommended in 1995 has been right all these years.

Get used to the idea of chain loading daemons. There are plenty of toolsets that make such things simple. Get used to the idea of not using shell scripts, too. There are plenty of toolsets that are designed specifically for this work, that eliminate the overheads of shells (which is a known good idea in the Ubuntu world).

For example: The shell commands in the ServerFault answer can be replaced with a script that uses Laurent Bercot's execline tools which are designed to be able to do this very thing without subshells and unlinked FIFOs:

#!/command/execlineb -PW
pipeline -w {
    logger -t
fdmove -c 2 1 
python -u /opt/XYZ/

which you would then simply

exec /foo/this_execlineb_script

With my nosh toolset, it would similarly be a script containing:

fdmove -c 2 1 
python -u /opt/XYZ/ | logger -t

Or alternatively, one could have this stanza directly in the Upstart job definition (using a trick to avoid shell metacharacters so that Upstart doesn't spawn a shell):

exec /usr/local/bin/exec pipe --separator SPLIT fdmove -c 2 1 python -u /opt/XYZ/ SPLIT logger -t

Further reading

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