Linux – How to set global environment variables in Linux Mint 18 “Sarah” Xfce


I’m using Linux Mint 18 “Sarah” Xfce and I have installed Java using this guide. It works, but I don’t know how to set JAVA_HOME variable for all my users.

How to set global environment variables for all users in Linux Mint?

Best Answer

How do I set global environment variables in Linux Mint?

Set them in /etc/profile.

When Bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-interactive shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes commands from the file /etc/profile, if that file exists.

After reading that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable. The --noprofile option may be used when the shell is started to inhibit this behavior.

Source 6.2 Bash Startup Files

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