Linux – How to rename files and replace characters


I have a group of files that have : (colon) within the name. I need to replace the : with - (dash).

Is there an easy way to do this in a script?

Sample FileName: 2013-10-11:11:52:08_055456663_045585_.txt

Best Answer

A simple 1-liner should do (assumes Posix sh-compatible shell):

for f in *:*; do mv -v "$f" $(echo "$f" | tr ':' '-'); done


  • for ... in ...; do ...; done is a loop

  • *:* matches all files and directories in the the current directory which have : in their name

  • f is assigned in turn to each such file name in the loop

  • mv renames its first argument to the second one; -v (verbose) asks it to print what it does; this option is GNU-utils specific, so it is available on Linux but not Solaris

  • $(...) executes the code in a sub-shell and substitutes the output

  • echo prints its argument to the standard output

  • tr reads standard output and translates the characters according to the supplied map

If you are using bash, you can avoid spawning an extra shell ($()) with sub-processes (tr) by replacing $(...) with ${f//:/-}.

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