Linux – How to redirect all traffic in eth0 to eth1 and back


I have a Ubuntu box with eth0 and eth1.

How can I redirect all the traffic coming from eth0 to eth1 and back?

Should I do DNAT and SNAT like below or just forwarding or both ?


My case is like this A-B-C, 3 machines. Both A & C in different network. B have two nic one is A's network (eth0) and other in B's network (eth1). I can't set B as the gateway in A nor B.

Below is how this was achieved by iptables on host B: SOLUTION

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp ! --dport 22 -j DNAT --to-destination eth1IP
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -m tcp -o eth1 -j MASQUERADE

Have excluded port 22 so that SSH traffic is spared from the rules and my ssh to host C works.

Best Answer

Provided the netmasks are correct and do not overlap, you do not need to use DNAT or SNAT, you simply need to ensure that:

  1. Each computer has a default gateway set through the Linux box, or has a route to the other network via the Linux box.

  2. The Linux box has forwarding enabled – uncomment net.ipv4.ip_fortward in /etc/sysctl.conf and reboot (or echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to do it temporarily).

  3. Ensure the firewall allows forwarding (iptables -vnL and check that the FORWARDING rule has no chains and is set to default ACCEPT). This is, I believe the default.

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