Linux – How to recover Linux from ‘repair file system’ error


Unfortunately my mom did something that I don't know and Linux is in command-line
mode. What is the key for exiting from the shell and going to the desktop?

I tried

  • Alt + F2
  • Alt + F6
  • Ctrl + Alt + F2
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete
  • exit

No one worked for me. It goes to the black shell and tells me enter login and root password. When I enter it, it shows me repair file system in red color.
Alt + F2 shows me a blank black page and Alt + F1 will return back to this shell.

My version is openSUSE 11.1.

Best Answer

"shows me repair file system in red color"

This is the key: the filesystem is corrupted, probably due to an unclean shutdown. It needs to be repaired. Try entering the root password, which should give you a '#' prompt. Type:

fsck -A -y

That will take a while and print out something about what it's fixing. Once that has completed, type "exit". You may need to restart the system again.

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