Linux – How to prevent home folder files and folder from showing on the desktop as icons in Linux Mint 15


I have a fresh install of Mint 15 with Cinnamon and I can't find an option to hide all icons on the desktop. In settings->Desktop there are only options to show/hide the home folder, trash, etc, but no option to hide the contents of the "Desktop" folder.

How do I hide the $HOME folder contents from appearing on the desktop in Linux Mint 15?


It actually looks like the icons on the desktop are the contents of the $HOME folder, not $HOME/Desktop.

** Question was edited to reflect the fact that it was the user's home folder icons showing, not just "my computer", "trash", etc.

Best Answer

I had the same problem and the following command solved it:

gsettings set org.nemo.preferences desktop-is-home-dir false

The related issue on github is here.

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