Linux – How to permanently switch to text mode interface in fedora 23


I want to permanently switch from GUI interface to text mode interface in fedora. I tried to edit the /etc/inittab file to switch the runtime level. But that file was no longer used.

Then I tried to add runtime level 3 to rhgp quite found while booting i.e. by pressing e (on the grub screen). But it would temporarily switch to text mode.
So what should I do to permanently switch from GUI interface to text mode interface?

This is a new fedora 23 (workstation edition) installed on virtual box, without any changes.

Best Answer

Simple - just do systemctl set-default to change.

If you ever want to go back to graphical mode then you can do that with systemctl set-default

You can also switch temporarily using systemctl isolate followed by the name of the target you want to switch to, but set-default will change the target it boots to by default.

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