Linux – How to mount internal HDDs in Ubuntu via the command line

command linelinuxmountUbuntu

I'm new to Linux and have a home server set up running Ubuntu.

In the GUI it's very easy to mount my additional internal hard drives. I just double click on them. Since I have made this server headless, I now need to mount via the command line.

How can I replicate the very simple double click GUI behavior?

So far all the information I've found is very complex. Ubuntu auto generated folders for each hdd under /media and I can see the hard drives under /dev but have no idea which is which, as the hardware is identical between them. I also don't know how they are formated.

Best Answer

Need to check your new hard drive is mounted as sdb or hdb and you can do it by using

$ sudo fdisk -l

Lets say your hard drive is mounted as sdb1.

You need to create a mount point using the mkdir command. This will be the location from which you will access the /dev/sdb1 drive.

$ sudo mkdir /media/newhd

To mount the drive, enter:

$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/newhd
$ df -H

To view files cd to /media/newhd, enter:

$ cd /media/newhd
$ ls -l
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