Linux – How to kill a process with name having spaces


A process with name=example can be killed by

killall -9 example

How to kill multiple instances of following command which contain spaces?

"valgrind –tool=lackey ./testcases/kernel/syscalls/waitpid/waitpid03"

Following command returns valgrind –tool=lackey ./testcases/kernel/syscalls/waitpid/waitpid03: No such file or directory

killall -9 "valgrind –tool=lackey

Best Answer

killall valgrind will kill all valgrind processes regardless of arguments. If you want to kill only processes whose command line is exactly valgrind --tool=lackey ./testcases/kernel/syscalls/waitpid/waitpid03, you can use pkill:

pkill -xf 'valgrind --tool=lackey ./testcases/kernel/syscalls/waitpid/waitpid03'

Like killall, pkill is on every non-embedded (and some embedded) Linux installations, and it's more powerful and often more reliable (but for some reason less well-known). The companion utility pgrep is identical except that it lists the PIDs instead of killing.

Another utility you may be interested in is fuser: fuser testcases/kernel/syscalls/waitpid/waitpid03 lists the processes that have the specified file open, and fuser -k would send a signal to these processes. When you're not trying to send a signal, lsof is a more powerful alternative to fuser (shows more stuff, has more filters).

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