Linux – How to install to /usr/bin directory


New to using Linux and trying to install software called PrinceXML in the /usr/bin directory.

I've logged in as the root user, used wget to download the package, ran tar and followed the steps to install. When asked I then chose default install directory (/usr/local). I tried again specifying /usr/bin/

When I try to access it via the PHP wrapper I get a blank screen, which I'm fairly certain is because the software is installed in the wrong location.

Any guidance as to how to install into the /usr/bin directory would be greatly appreciated.

This is the call from the wrapper:

  $prince = new Prince('/usr/bin/prince');

Best Answer

You specified /usr/bin as the prefix, rather than simply /usr. Probably your program is now distributed across /usr/bin/lib, /usr/bin/share, /usr/bin/bin etc.

You really shouldn't mess around with /usr/bin, your package manager manages this directory. Try to incrementally uninstall your software and reconfigure it again with /usr/local or /opt/prince as the install directory. Then adapt the wrapper to call the correct binary.

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