Linux – How to install software RAID using Mint Live CD


I wish to install Linux Mint 11 with RAID 1 for my /home. I was wondering if I can install RAID 1 during the installation from the Live CD.

I have managed to set up RAID from the Live CD and install Linux Mint 11 to it, but on reboot it will not recognize the RAID volume as mdadm is not installed. Can I install RAID drivers from my Live CD onto the installed Mint using chroot and get Mint to recognise the volumes on reboot? Is there a better alternative?

I know this would be a trivial exercise using the Alternate CD in Ubuntu but Mint does not have an Alternate CD (at least that I aware of).

My machine setup:

disk 1 . 120GB SSD mount /
disk 2 . 1TB spindle raid 1 mount /home
disk 3 . 1TB spindle raid 1 mount /home

Best Answer

Yes, you can use chroot to install mdadm:

sudo -s
for f in sys proc dev ; do mount --bind /$f /mnt/$f
chroot /mnt
apt-get install mdadm

Replace /mnt with wherever you mounted your root filesystem.

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