Linux – How to install Skype on Fedora 22 64 bits


I have searched hour for posts about this subject and have found many posts about possible solutions but have yet failed to manage to install skype on Fedora 22 with a 64 bits machine

Post like this one and many other have suggested to install Fedy but when I do I get this error after succesfully installin fedy and choosing to install Skype from fedyd

[MIRROR] dbus-libs-1.8.18-1.fc22.i686.rpm: Curl error (78): Remote
file not found for
[RETR response: 550] [MIRROR] dbus-libs-1.8.18-1.fc22.i686.rpm: Status
code: 404 for
[FAILED] dbus-libs-1.8.18-1.fc22.i686.rpm: No more mirrors to try –
All mirrors were already tried without success Error: Error
downloading packages:======= ] 746 kB/s | 58 MB 00:25 ETA
Cannot download d/dbus-libs-1.8.18-1.fc22.i686.rpm: All mirrors were
tried Failed to show notification:
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name
org.freedesktop.Notifications was not provided by any .service files

I also found this but since it mentions apt-get is very clear to me that it does not work for fedora even after chaning the apt-get to the a dnf or yum comand since no skype package is found

I have also tried downloading and installing the Fedora 16 32 bits from the downlad site but the installation has not finished after many minutes and does not provide any feedback or success result

Skype for Fedora 16 32 bits does not install on Fedora 32 64 bits

And now it has failed with a very ironic message given the combination of the name of the package and the error itself

Skype failed installation
I have also try other solutions in other forums and decided to seek help here since is a good place to get precise and updated answers

Best Answer

For Fedora 24 and Fedora 23 and Fedora 22 (also 64 bit!).

  1. Download Skype from: and choose Fedora 32 bit (no 64 bit package available, but that doesn’t matter).

    In my case it was version: skype-

  2. Open terminal, go to ~/Downloads/ (or wherever you have put the file) and run:

    sudo dnf install skype-

    and all the dependencies will be resolved automagically.

That is it!

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