Linux – How to find uptime of a linux process


How do I find the uptime of a given linux process.

ps aux | grep gedit | grep -v grep

gives me a whole lot of information which includes the time at which the process was started.
I am specifically looking for switch which returns the uptime of a process in milliseconds.


Best Answer

As "uptime" has several meanings, here is a useful command.

ps -eo pid,comm,lstart,etime,time,args

This command lists all processes with several different time-related columns. It has the following columns:

PID COMMAND                          STARTED     ELAPSED     TIME COMMAND

PID = Process ID
first COMMAND = only the command name without options and without arguments
STARTED = the absolute time the process was started
ELAPSED = elapsed time since the process was started (wall clock time), format [[dd-]hh:]mm:ss TIME = cumulative CPU time, "[dd-]hh:mm:ss" format
second COMMAND = again the command, this time with all its provided options and arguments

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