Linux – How to find a file whose size is less than 10 MB


I need to find a file in my current directory whose size should be less than or equal to 10 MB.

ls -lh gives me the file size of each file but not sure how to find the files whose size are less than or equal to 10 MB.

host@407d:t1_snapshot$ ls -lth

Is there any way I can do that? I am running ubuntu 12.04

Best Answer

find . -type f -size -10485760 -ls run in your current directory or you can do

find /etc/home/user/stuff -type f -size -10485760 -ls using a path

so, my format is basically

find path of -type f (file) with -size of less than (-)10485760(10MB in B) and -ls to make it pretty for you. Per Dennis' suggestion adding -maxdepth 1 would prevent recursing into subdirs, if that is what you desire