Linux – How to ensure that SSH remote BASH shell includes all PATH elements

bashcommand linelinuxssh

So I'm trying to run a script remotely on ssh such as ssh remote "~/bin/" however the problem is that the script runs a command vcs that seems to not load when I try to just send the command via ssh, as opposed to ssh'ing into the remote and manually executing the command.

For clarity, the following output apears when I try

$ ssh remote "cd/...; vcs -x -...;"
bash: vcs: command not found

but it works when I do

$ ssh remote
remote$ vcs -x -...
remote$ //good output

I looked more into it and when I simple run

$ ssh remote "compgen -c | wc -l"


$ ssh remote
remote$ compgen -c | wc -l

So clearly there are a lot of commands not being "loaded" when I just pass commands via ssh vs when I actually ssh into remote and execute commands. Any idea what is happening and how to overcome this?

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