Linux – How to enable mouse focus in Linux Mint 15 with Cinnamon

linuxlinux-mintmousesystem-preferenceswindow focus

I'm a big fan of mouse-focus, or "focus follows mouse", and I had this enabled in Mint 14, but when I reinstalled with Mint 15 I can't find the option anywhere. None of the sections in "system settings" has this option, and none of the options under the "preferences" section of the main menu seem relevant. Google yields some forum posts for older Mint versions, and often include hacking around in gconf setting manually. Is there a straight-forward way to enable this in Cinnamon on Mint 15?

Best Answer

  1. Open the settings app (run cinnamon-settings) from a terminal or use the menu.

    enter image description here

  2. If you have not done so already, switch to "Advanced Mode"

    enter image description here

  3. Type focus in the search field at the top

    enter image description here

  4. That brings up the "Windows" section, click on it, then select "mouse" from the "Windows focus mode" menu.

    enter image description here

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