Linux – How to disable the huge clown mouse cursor when using a QHD display


I recently purchased a large QHD monitor for some screen real estate. Unfortunately, as soon as (I'm assuming) Cinnamon noticed the 2560×1440 resolution, it went and blew my cursor up to an annoyingly gigantic clown cursor against my will.

The gigantic cursor is of the cursor theme "Adwaita". I have changed the mouse theme using Themes -> Other Settings -> Mouse Pointer. The new cursor theme only has effect in certain applications however. When I mouse over Skype and GVim, my custom theme applies just fine.

When I mouse over these applications:

  • Chrome
  • The desktop
  • Any Cinnamon component
  • Any Gnome system utility
  • All title bars

The cursor is ridiculously uselessly huge.

Why does this occur, and how to I disable it?

My cursor theme VS the actual cursor in most applications:


I am using Cinnamon 2.2.6, compiled from source on my machine. I'm using one 2560×1440 display in portrait mode (ie 1440×2560) and one 1080p display in landscape mode.

My xorg.conf file:

Here are all my "cursor" related gsettings:

$ gsettings list-recursively | grep cursor
org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active true
org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor priority 0
org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active true
org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor priority 0
org.gnome.yelp show-cursor false
org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-size 12
org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-font ''
org.mate.peripherals-mouse cursor-theme 'mate'
org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-blink-timeout 10
org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme 'mate'
org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-blink-time 1200
org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-blink true
org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 12
org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor restore-cursor-position true
org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active true
org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor priority 99
org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor restore-cursor-position true
org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor active true
org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.cursor priority 99
org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor restore-cursor-position true
org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-blink-timeout 10
org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-theme 'mate'
org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-blink-time 1200
org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-blink true
org.cinnamon.desktop.interface cursor-size 12
org.mate.interface cursor-blink-time 1200
org.mate.interface cursor-blink true

"pointer" related gsettings:

$ gsettings list-recursively | grep pointer
org.mate.peripherals-mouse locate-pointer false
org.gnome.gnome-screenshot include-pointer false
org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse locate-pointer false
org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse locate-pointer false
org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse locate-pointer false
org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse locate-pointer false

"accessibility" related gsettings:

$ gsettings list-recursively | grep accessibility
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard slowkeys-beep-press false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard mousekeys-accel-time 300
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard bouncekeys-beep-reject false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard slowkeys-beep-reject false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard togglekeys-enable false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard enable false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard bouncekeys-enable false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard stickykeys-enable false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard feature-state-change-beep false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard slowkeys-beep-accept false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard bouncekeys-delay 300
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard mousekeys-max-speed 10
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard mousekeys-enable false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard timeout-enable false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard slowkeys-delay 300
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard stickykeys-modifier-beep false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard stickykeys-two-key-off false
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard mousekeys-init-delay 300
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard timeout 200
org.mate.accessibility-keyboard slowkeys-enable false
org.gnome.desktop.interface toolkit-accessibility false
org.cinnamon.desktop.interface toolkit-accessibility false
org.mate.accessibility-startup exec-ats @as []
org.mate.interface accessibility false

Best Answer

run dconf-editor, go to ORG > GNOME > DESKTOP > INTERFACE > CURSOR-SIZE. I used 10 for my 5k display.

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