Linux – How to disable or modify pam’s password requirements


I'm using Fedora 19. By default it's setup with pam to disable bad passwords, like "password". This is good. Trying to change this default is infuriating. This is a box for testing internal stuff, not connected to the internet, nor any machine that is. Bad passwords facilitate the testing process. Alternatively, how the hell do you change password requirements at all??


man pam_cracklib has some great examples of setting different password requirements. So I open up /etc/pam.d/system-auth, which is where you see lines like:

# This file is auto-generated.
# User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is run.
password    requisite try_first_pass retry=3 authtok_type=
password    sufficient sha512 shadow nullok try_first_pass use_authtok
password    required

*headdesk*. In my experience, warnings like this mean your changes are wiped every time the package manager is run and/or randomly.


So…authconfig is the next step. I look for all files named "authconfig". /etc/sysconfig/authconfig looks promising. And, no warning at the top about destroying my edits on a whim. I find this line USEPWQUALITY=yes and change it. Now I run:

# authconfig --test
pam_pwquality is enabled (try_first_pass retry=3 authtok_type=)

wtf. So let's read man authconfig a little closer. Oh! Looks like that file isn't read by authconfig, it's changed. So….how do you configure authconfig? The manual suggests system-config-authentication, which I install and doesn't provide anything resembling a checkbox to disable pam_pwquality. The next suggestion from the manual is command line options. Great! I love command line tools. Only, none of the documented command line options disable pam_pwquality.


Thanks to Aaron's answer, I learned that a couple years ago fedora decided to make /etc/security/pwquality.conf the place to configure password quality requirements. Unfortunately, as documented in the file and in man 5 pwquality.conf, there (1) isn't a way to disable the dictionary checking and (2) can't set allowed password length below six.

Best Answer

After a cursory look at the source code in /usr/sbin/authconfig and /usr/share/authconfig/

  • The man page is incomplete, the complete list of options accepted by the script is in authconfig --help
  • Everything can be overridden on the command-line (even /etc/security/pwquality.conf settings like password minimum length), except pwquality itself. IMHO, this is a bug and should be reported.
  • From line 2489 and 2156:

    def read(self):

    First readSysconfig reads /etc/sysconfig/authconfig ; then what you put there is overwritten by readPAM with what is in /etc/pam.d/* (especially password_auth* and system_auth*):

      if module.startswith("pam_cracklib") or module.startswith("pam_pwquality"):
         self.setParam("enablePWQuality", True, ref)

TL;DR: for the options which are not overriden (or cannot be), the settings are taken from the current configuration including files which are tagged autogenerated. To make it work, edit /etc/sysconfig/authconfig and remove lines shown by grep -E pwq\|crack /etc/pam.d/*

Edit: There is a second bug, which makes the advice above still not work: line 2248:

    # Special handling for pam_pwquality and pam_passwdqc: there can be
    # only one.
    if self.enablePWQuality and self.enablePasswdQC:
            self.setParam("enablePasswdQC", False, ref)
    if not self.enablePWQuality and not self.enablePasswdQC:
            self.setParam("enablePWQuality", True, ref)

You have to chose one of the two implementation of quality control, or one will be chosen for you ! Combined with first bug, this makes it impossible to disable.

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