Linux – How to copy data from a Ubuntu server using terminal by telnet

file-transferlinuxtelnetterminalubuntu server

I have one folder to copy that consists of PHP and similar files for creating a web site.

How do I copy one folder from the server (Linux Ubuntu) to the client PC (Linux Ubuntu) using terminal? Could I use ftp? For the terminal connection I'm using Telnet.

The folder location on the server:


And I want to copy it to the client at:


Best Answer

You can use scp if you have an ssh server running on the remote machine (a good thing to have anyway). Telnet is not good, its unencrypted and bothersome.

Since I assume you can ssh onto the remote machine, the basic way to use scp is:

scp -r ~/www/html/js qa@desktop2:~/home/qa/html/js

Assuming that you want to copy from qa@ubuntu:~/www/html/js to qa@desktop2:~/home/qa/html/js scp is pretty powerful, so I suggesting reading the man page for it at

man scp
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