Linux – how to change the color of the terminal


I'm using CentOS 4.8. I like the grey background color and the black foreground color,by which my eyes wouldn't sore.

when I set 'export PS1="\e[0;30m\e[47m\u@\h \w>"' , It only changes the bash prompt line colors.

When I'm editing text via 'vi' or looking up information via 'info',the colors are back to default.

So I'm wondering how to change the background and foreground color globally. thanks for any tip.


My CentOS is server version, so there is no gui interface.

Best Answer

The terminal color is set by a flag on the xterm command (if you're running X of course):

-bg color
This option specifies the color to use for the background of the window. The default is ''XtDefaultBackground.''

-fg color
This option specifies the color to use for displaying text. The default is ''XtDefaultForeground.''
-fn font
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