Linux – How to access apache web server on Ubuntu from windows


I have Ubuntu server installed along with apache web server for php development. I have configured local network with ip and setup domain as mylocal.loc for the ubuntu server.

And I have another system installed with ubuntu desktop having ip as
So I can http://mylocal.loc from my ubuntu desktop machine. Now I want to access the http://mylocal.loc from my windows machine. I have ip for that machine as but I can't connect to the web server installed on the ubuntu server.

I am not sure how to connect the wondows machine to the ubuntu network to browse local web server and share files.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

First of all you should check whether you can ping the ubuntu machine via IP and afterwards via its name (ping mylocal.loc). If that does not work, you should check your network settings. Possibly the problem could be, that the IPs are in different subnets. You should set both IPs in the same subnet. See that both IPs only differ in the last number (e.g. and

If ping succeeded:

You should be able to open the website with your browser by entering http://mylocal.loc (depending on the configuration of Apache you might have to add some subfolder (e.g. http://mylocal.loc/myname). If you have a firewall installed you might have to open the corresponding port.

EDIT: In case the mylocal.loc is not resolved correctly to the IP of the Ubuntu machine, you might have to do this mapping, by either

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