Linux – How install gem rails for all users in arch-linux

arch linuxrubyruby-on-railsrubygems

When install rails with

sudo gem install rails

or with root user, this install in $HOME/.gem and only works for actual user, how install for all users in the system ?

Best Answer

You might need to change your /etc/gemrc or /root/.gemrc. The default is set to

gem: --user-install

Which does exactly what you observed. You can use

gem install --no-user-install rails

See Arch Wiki: Ruby.

install-packages-through-apt-get-or-gem is about the decision to use a package manager or gem. Using pacman is the same as using apt-get in this case.


As mentioned by Hans: Another option to use pacgem to build an Arch Linux package from a gem on the fly.

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