Linux – High level command line program for burning CDs and DVDs

burningcommand linecompact-discdvdlinux

I'm sick of screwing around trying to script a clean solution to burn multiple files and folders to CDs and DVDs with wodim, growisofs and genisoimage.

I'm looking for a high level command line program that uses sensible defaults and takes arguments something like this:

[program-name] [cd|dvd] /path/to/dir1/ /path/to/dir2/ /path/to/file ...

It should then do all the low level copying and ISO generation transparently and just burn the damn disk!

Does anyone have any suggestions? I've looked at several programs but it seems there are too many choices to trawl through and not enough information about them online.

Thanks 🙂

Best Answer

I think you want cdrecord from cdrtools

You use it like this

cdrecord /dev/cdrom /path/to/track1 /path/to/track2 ...

That is a pretty close match to what you have asked for.

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