Linux – Having a Mac OS X like dock and menubar experience with Arch Linux with E17

arch linuxenlightenmentmacos

I think the title explains itself quite well, but gotta put content. 🙂

So basically, how could I achieve Mac OS X's dock-like experience. Where all the apps are there sitting, but when you open them they show there's one of that app open. And when you minimize it it's just an icon in the dock.

That and the menu bar on top. I don't mind if all the apps have a menu bar, would be nice if they didn't, and that was exactly like on OS X but it's not necessary. Basically I need a thin bar that's always present, which shows basic info like time and lots of other crap I'm gonna add myself.

Any help is appreciated. 🙂

Best Answer

I don't know of amy way of having an OSX style menu bar. For the dock, the most OSX-like ones I know are:

These are my two personal favorites but there are quite a few others out there. See, for example, here.

The top bar you are describing (not menus, just a place where you can have information like "time and lots of other crap I'm gonna add myself") is called a panel. They used to be standard in most window managers but have fallen out of favor lately. My favorite is:

  • tint2 : Highly configurable and lightweight with some advanced features (image from here, tint can be placed on any edge of the screen):

    enter image description here

As with docks, there are many panes available, see here for some examples.

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