Linux – GTK Fonts are too big

arch linuxfontsgtklinux

My GTK fonts are very big. When I want them to look good I have to set the size to 7. But I think this is very low and not the solution. I think it should be around 12. 7 sounds like a workaround to me. Or not?

Here you can see the good looking configuration with size 7:

Preview for Size 7

And here is the very big configuration with size 12:

Preview for size 12

The problem I have is, that even if I set the size to 7 there are some programs that still display big fonts. For example, eclipse has good looking menues, but the font in the editor still is very big (but set to 10)!

Update: I have a 14 inch screen with 1600×900 pixels. According to my DPI should be set to 131.13. So this looks good too.

$ xdpyinfo | grep -B2 resolution
screen #0:
  dimensions:    1600x900 pixels (310x170 millimeters)
  resolution:    131x134 dots per inch

Best Answer

Something you can use in command-line and when scripting: reset DPI using xrandr:

xrandr --dpi 96
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