Linux – Grub makeactive command in Grub2


Currently i have GRUB2 with Ubuntu 9.10 installed, including 2 other O/S.
I have an entry for an o/s in my grub.cfg:

menuentry "My OS" {
    insmod ntfs
    rootnoverify (hd0,6)
        chainloader +1

However, when i run this, it says that the makeactive command does not exist. Ive already tried some things like 'active' and 'make active', but all give me the same error.

What is the makeactive command in Grub2?

Best Answer

The makeactive command has been replaced in GRUB2. You are now supposed to use parttool.

To set a partition's active flag with parttool:

parttool (hd0,6) boot+

and to remove it:

parttool (hd0,6) boot-
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