Linux – Google Hangouts Screen Share Black Screen Error

arch linuxgoogle-chromelinux

I've been facing an issue with Google Hangouts full-screen sharing.
While doing a full-screen share on Google Hangouts, all I see is a black screen and nothing else:


But it is possible to share individual screens separately:


I have had this problem for the past two weeks, but before that it wasn't an issue. In order to see what's causing this, I ran Chrome from terminal and got the following error when I started full-screen sharing:

[7869:7875:0113/] Capability spec prevented service service:content_browser from binding interface: mojom::ResourceUsageReporter

  • Chrome-Version: 55.0.2883.87
  • OS: Arch-Linux
  • GPU: AMD Radeon HD

I've also tried other methods like clearing cookies and cache of Chrome, clear all Google accounts and restart, but nothing seems to work. 
How can I fix this issue?

Best Answer

I'm using gnome on Manjaro and I have the same issue. It seems to be a Wayland problem. I logout from wayland session and start a Xorg session and the hangout works.

enter image description here

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