Linux – GNOME Terminal – process name in tab title


How can I put the current running process name into a GNOME Terminal tab title (or title bar when there's only one tab)?


To clarify, I want the tab title to update when I run a process, for example:

# title is currently "bash"
$ find / -name foo # while searching for foo, title is "find"
$ # title is once again "bash"
$ less /proc/cpuinfo # title changes to "less"
$ man ls # title changes to man
$ # title returns to "bash"

Best Answer

Found it. This site provides a good explanation of a solution.
In your bashrc, it would look like:

case "$TERM" in
    set -o functrace
    trap 'echo -ne "\e]0;$BASH_COMMAND\007"' DEBUG

Personally, I don't think I would add it to my bashrc, because the DEBUG combined with trace does throw out a load of garbage when all your shell starts. If you can live with that, it actually does work. It does display the entire command, however, not just the first word.

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