Linux – Getting stuck at “sudo apt-get upgrade” on Parrot OS


I have Parrot OS headless running on a Raspberry Pi. I started the upgrade but it now has stopped at:

Installing new version of config file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01autoremove

The output before was:

Setting up apt (1.8.1+parrot1)

I have only installed wpa_supplicant and I can get into the system with SSH.

So what can I do now? Kill the apt process? Delete this autoremove config file. Any idea?

It’s been this way for about 2 hours since starting the upgrade and Control+C isn’t working either.

EDIT: Later, after I had rebooted apt said I should use a dpkg command because I killed the last apt and dpkg process.

Now I have retried sudo apt-get upgrade but it said that one package is damaged or something. I ran sudo apt --fix-broken install and now its stuck at

Setting up apt (1.8.1+parrot1)

What can be done?

Best Answer

Parrot is a rolling release distro. So apt upgrade also tries to upgrade 'core' packages and partial upgrade can break things. You should use apt full-upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade. Otherwise see the dpkg log after running fix broken to find what went wrong..

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