Linux – FTP shortcuts to another folder


How can I create shortcut from one ftp folder to another using SFTP client such as WinSCP with Putty?

For example, application path is /home/primary/webapps/appication/

We have created new user with default home directory /home/secondary/

Using Bash command:

 setfacl -R -m u:secondary:rwx /home/primary/webapps/appication/

we added full Read-Write permission for secondary user.

To access application folder he suppose to type full path to application folder which is not so convenient for daily usage.

As a solution I would like to create some shortcuts in home directory to this folders as I seen something similar in default cPanel configuration where PUBLIC_HTML folder has some alias such as WWW.

Best Answer

You can make a link to the other folder

ln -s /home/primary/webapps/application /home/secondary/application

This will create a link under /home/secondary called "application" which points to /home/primary/webapps/application. Once logged in to his home folder, he simply has to click on the "application" folder and will be directed to the proper location.

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