Linux Flash Player with 2 Monitors: always full-screen on primary monitor


My setup at home uses a laptop, with a larger external monitor in addition to the built-in LCD panel, which is primary. I can see the larger monitor from the rest of the room and use it as my TV, for playing DVDs and various types of web video. However, it isn't ideal for Flash video. For instance, if I watch a video from Hulu or any other Flash-based site, I can expand it to full-screen mode. However, no matter which monitor the browser window is on, the full-screen mode is always on the laptop LCD panel, which is both too small and not visible from most of the room. Does anyone know of a way to force the Flash video to play full-screen on the monitor I select instead of the primary?

My video chipset is NVidia, using kernel 2.6.31 (Ubuntu).

Best Answer

Old question but this was the first result I got when searching for the same issue, so if anyone finds this, here's a workaround.

A lot of sites that show flash videos allow you got the video in a "popup", this is usually a special window that only contains a flash player that automatically scales to the size of the window.

Use the popup on the screen you want it maximized on and then use the fullscreen mode of the browser (F11 in Firefox and Chrome). This will use the regular flash container, but scaled to fill your screen.

Edit: If the site doesn't give you the option to use a popout, this addon for Firefox is useful: