Linux – Firefox 57 cannot display Arial on Linux


After upgrading Firefox to version 57 on my Ubuntu (16.04 LTS) Linux system, the browser will no longer display the Arial font. It simply discards all characters except international ones (such as ΓΈ). Other fonts work fine, and Firefox did not have this problem before I upgraded it.

Firefox 57 does not have this problem on my Windows and Mac computers, so I suppose it must be a problem with my Linux installation.

Any suggestions about how I can debug this?
Where does Firefox find the Arial font in an Ubuntu Linux system? Or is it, perhaps, a bug in Firefox?


This web page uses Arial, and this question looks like this in Firefox:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Answering my own question:

This appears to be a bug in Firefox 57. A number of bug reports have been filed, so, hopefully, the problem will disappear in a future release.

Until then, the problem can be solved by copying a TTF file with the missing font (for example, Arial.ttf) from a Windows distribution to ~/.local/share/fonts. (Assuming, of course, that you have the necessary Windows license.)

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