Linux – Extracting tar file: Cannot open: No such file or directory


I have a remote Debian 5 machine on which I'm trying to extract a tar-file (Django 1.2.1, but that's unimportant). The first 1300 or so files extracts just fine (of about 2800 in total), after which errors like

tar: Django-1.2.1/tests/ Cannot open: No such file or directory

shows up for the rest of the files, finally ending up with a

tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

I use the command

tar xzvf Django-1.2.1.tar.gz

I've also tried with sudo (but I'm extracting in my home directory, which I should obviusly have permissions to use without). I've tried gunzipping first (runs flawlessly) and then running tar xvf, but to no avail. I've fetched the file using wget:


I've tried redownloading it several times.

A test as suggested here simply lists all files in the archive (notably with "james" as owner, which is not my username – but I suppose it's the username of the guy who created the archive – not sure if that is significant).

Finally, I should note that both extration methods works fine on my local Ubuntu installating and that there is plenty of free disk space on the remote box.

So, now I have sort of run out of good ideas πŸ™‚ Suggestions are very welcome.

Best Answer

have you checked that you have enough space on the remote machine, maybe your disk is accidentally filling up