Linux – Exploring the Network and sharing files in XFCE/OpenBox/Thunar


As of recently I started using a debian-based distro called crunchbang which uses OpenBox as a window manager and thunar as file manager. I did setup Samba server correctly and can now share files back and forth on the network between my other machines (Windows7, Fedora) using Gadmin-samba and manually accessing them through their network path (manually typing smb:// URL in the address bar). However, what I'm looking for is:

  1. An easy way to share files via right click -> share like in ubuntu & gnome/nautilus.
  2. An easy way to browse through the network hosts and see the shared files also like in Ubuntu & gnome/nautilus.

I tried the following tips and hints but none of them helped much (or perhaps, there is something that I keep doing wrong):

Any suggestions or workarounds?

Best Answer

1) An easy way to share files via right click -> share like in ubuntu & gnome/nautilus.

You can create a custom action in Thunar via Edit->Configure custom actions. Create an action to share a directory: net usershare add %n %f "" Everyone:F guest_ok=y && chmod 777 %f And to stop sharing: net usershare delete %n. Make sure the command will show up for Directories only on the Appearance Conditions tab.

2) An easy way to browse through the network hosts and see the shared files also like in Ubuntu & gnome/nautilus.

Try pyNeighborhood.

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