Linux – Expanding globs in xargs


I have a directory like this

mkdir test
cd test
touch file{0,1}.txt otherfile{0,1}.txt stuff{0,1}.txt

I want to run some command such as ls on certain types of files in the directory and have the * (glob) expand to all possibilities for the filename.

echo 'file otherfile' | tr ' ' '\n' | xargs -I % ls %*.txt

This command does not expand the glob and tries to look for the literal 'file*.txt'

How do I write a similar command that expands the globs?
(I want to use xargs so the command can be run in parallel)

Best Answer

This is old, but i ran into this issue and found another way to fix it. Have xargs execute bash with -c and your command. For example:

echo 'file otherfile' | tr ' ' '\n' | xargs -I % bash -c "ls %*.txt"

This forces glob expansion.

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