Linux – Execute PHP files in mounted directory from VirtualBox host system is not working


I've set up a VirtualBox with a Debian 6.0 to act as a webserver. The host machine is my PowerBook running OS X 10.7.3.

Under /User/cb0/Sites I have a webproject in symfony that I used to develop under OS X.

Now I've mounted that directory to /var/www/host-sites in the virtual machine, so I have a environment that's exacly like the production enviroment.

The problem is php won't execute files in the mounted directory for some reason. When I call index.php I get a white page, no error message neither in frontend nor in any apache/system logs.

If I create a file with phpinfo(); in a non shared directory, and then executing this via CLI or web browser, I get the desired output.

However when I call the same file in the shared directory I get no output.

The mounted filesystem is read/writeable and this works fine. Even static files are delivered correctly. It's only php that doesn't do anything.

Does someone have a clue what could be the problem?

I've already followed this advice which helped me a lot: How do I set the Apache2 DocumentRoot to a "vboxsf" VirtualBox Shared Folder? (permissions issue?)

Best Answer

Check the options on the mount. Is "noexec" enabled?

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