Best Linux Distribution with Good OSS Support


I hate the Linux audio systems. It's a mess, everyone knows about it, no one tries to fix it. Anyway, OSS is my choice usually since it supports my sound card, it works just perfectly. Almost no latency, no problem with multiple audio source, no glitches, no skips, its like a REAL Audio system. (Well.. its not GPL so its evil and all..blah blah.. (no wonder Linux won't ever reach 5%)).

So I'm searching for a distro which got a basic/good OSS support. Like .. on the crappy distros.. Kubuntu for example, they removed OSS support. Phonon just says there is no audio device and that's it. Nice.

Any idea which distro might support it (at least have OSS output in apps)..
(I know its a hard question, even if you guess one, fine. I'll install it, test it, just point out one distro since I have no idea at all.)

(Just as a side note: I could use MAC OS X for example, but my hardware is so well not-supported that even hackintosh fails to boot. (Which is clearly more illegal. I'd be fine with buying the boxed OS X.) Haiku got a long way to go…and we are done I guess with the list.)

Best Answer

If you are willing to take the challenge, Gentoo can be your friend in the situations where you need to do something the casual distros won't do. Just compile the kernel with OSS enabled, put oss in USE flags and programs will get compiled with the OSS support enabled.

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