Linux – Could not delete Trash.0 folder from external hard disk

hard drivelinuxunixxfce

I am using WD external hard drive and linux OS. I deleted some files in hard disk by mistake I selected those file and just pressed [delete] button instead of [shift+del] in linux. Now it created Trash.0 folder. I tried to delete files using [shift+delete] it gives following error:

Could not delete file "4.6"
Error removing file /media/root/My Passport/Trash.0/expunged/2697747326/usr/include: Directory not empty.

Error removing file /media/root/My Passport/Trash.0/expunged/3073970550/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6: Directory not empty.

I also tried to delete the folder "include and 4.6" but not working I also tried to use command:

sudo rmdir Trash.0

sudo rmdir –ignore-fail-on-non-empty Trash.0
still not working….

Best Answer

First empty the "Trash can", e.g. in nautilus or other FM. The folder should be deletable either immediately or after reboot.

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