Linux – Copy only new and larger files


I have two directories with thousands of files which contain more or less the same files.

How can I copy all files from dirA to dirB which are not in dirB or if the file exists in dirB only overwrite it if it's smaller.

I know there are a lot of examples for different timestamp or different file size but I only want to overwrite if the destination file is smaller and under no circumstances if it's bigger.

Background of my problem:
I've rendered a dynmap on my Minecraft Server but some of the tiles are missing or corrupted. Then I did the rendering again on another machine with a faster CPU and copied all the new rendered files (~50GB / 6.000.000 ~4-10 KB PNGs) on my server. After that I noticed that there are also corrupted files in my new render.

left: old render, right: new render

old 1 corrupted
new 1

old 2
new 2 corrupted

Therefor I don't want to overwrite all files but only the ones which are bigger (the corrupted carry less data and are smaller).

Best Answer

May be a dirty way, but I hope it is what you are looking for


### Purpose:
# Copy huge amount of files from source to destination directory only if
# destination file is smaller in size than in source directory

src='./d1' # Source directory
dst='./d2' # Destination directory

icp() {
  [ -d "$f" ] && {
    [ ! -d "${dst}${f#$src}" ] && mkdir -p "${dst}${f#$src}";

  [ ! -f "${dst}/${f#$src/}" ] && { cp -a "${f}" "${dst}/${f#$src/}"; return; }
  fsizeSrc=$( stat -c %s "$f" )
  fsizeDst=$( stat -c %s "${dst}/${f#$src/}" )
  [ ${fsizeDst} -lt ${fsizeSrc} ] && cp -a "${f}" "${dst}/${f#$src/}"

export -f icp
export src
export dst

find ${src} -exec bash -c 'icp "$0"' {} \;
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