Linux command get unused port

command linelinuxport

I'm looking for a command or script which returns an unused port on my ubuntu linux system.
I have look on internet and the only thing I find is about the used/Listen port with the nestat command.
Apparently something with the netstat command will work but don't know what exactly.
Any idea how?


Best Answer

netstat -lat gives the complete list of listening and established ports.

When a port is not on any of those states doesn't exist for the system, so you won't find a command that shows the list of unused ports.

Keep in mind that there are 65535 ports, so anything that isn't on netstat -lat is an unused port.

The following bash script will do a simple scan of tcp ports, and let you know which are open and which are closed :

function scanner

for ((port=$first_port; port<=$last_port; port++))
                (echo >/dev/tcp/$IP/$port)> /dev/null 2>&1 && echo $port open || echo "$port closed"


If you save it as then it must be run as ./ IP first_port last_port, for example: ./portscan 20 135 will scan the local equipment from ports 20 to 135

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