Linux command executed from a different path than whereis


I installed paris-traceroute and I don't remember what I did to replace the ping packaged with Ubuntu Trusty with paris-ping, which requires root to run. Now I want to get rid of it.

$ ping --version
version 1.0

$ whereis ping
ping: /bin/ping /usr/share/man/man8/ping.8.gz

$ ping
-bash: /usr/local/bin/ping: No such file or directory

paris-ping was at /usr/local/bin/ping. I deleted that file but now the ping command still does not run from /bin/ping. What I am missing here?

Best Answer

It's because you haven't started a new shell since you deleted the binary.

Use that command to reload the locations of the binaries:

hash -r

Or just restart the shell.

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