Linux – Clear a Linux storage device with sgdisk


I wish to use sgdisk to delete all partition definitions and data from a storage device, then create a GPT and two partitions on it . The best solution I've found is to use the -Z and the -o options.

sgdisk -Zo \
    -n 1::16M -t 1:EF00 -c 1:ZNX_BOOT \
    -N 2 -t 2:8300 -c 2:ZNX_DATA /dev/[device]

This, however, fails if the drive was created with an MBR partition table or if a disk image was written to it. How can I get this command to wipe any disk regardless of the partition table style used on it?

Best Answer

I know this is changing the question but is it possible for you to use wipefs (which comes as part of the util-linux package)? wipefs understands how to clear all sorts of partition(ing) metadata and will correctly get rid of MBRs, GPTs (along with the backup GPT), filesystem signatures etc...

The examples from the EXAMPLES section at the bottom of the wipefs man page illustrate how you might do this:

wipefs /dev/sda*

Prints information about sda and all partitions on sda.

wipefs --all --backup /dev/sdb

Erases all signatures from the device /dev/sdb and creates a signature backup file ~/wipefs-sdb-<offset>.bak for each signature.

WARNING: As the name suggests wipefs destroys data! Please be careful...

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