Linux – clean way to quit evim


While fiddling with installation of vim and gvim from source, trying to release console-based vim from X dependencies, I tried to run evim to see what it is and whether it should be freed from X dependencies. It started in terminal, and I saw that it's always in insert mode. I soon understood that it's the so called "Easy Vim".

OK, now I want to quit it and… well, :q doesn't work because of insert mode, <Ctrl>+[ or ESC refuse to go to normal mode. I simply can't enter any command. Trying <Ctrl>+C, <Ctrl>+Z, even <Ctrl>+\ doesn't let me break out of it. Finally I went to another terminal and did killall evim, which succeeded.

So, the question: is there a clean way to quit console-based evim?

Best Answer

ctrl+L will get back to normal vim mode. You can then use the usual :q

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